Introducing the 2016 Ash Wednesday Facebook Cover design and the matching Lenten design.
I am very excited about the matching Holy week designs which I will be unveiling soon. In the meantime, I hope you enjoy these two new covers and come back soon! Cyndi
And if you would like a few more Ash Wednesday covers to choose from - here are some designs from previous years.
We know that Lent is a time for praying, fasting and giving. However, those three words have a multitude of meanings for each of us. What I have come to realize as I peruse the plethora of ideas on what to do for Lent that can be found online and in print, is that what makes for a meaningful Lent for me, may not have as much, or any, meaning for you. We are each uniquely and wonderfully made by our God. And we are each called in unique and wonderful ways to serve Him.
So how can you excel this Lent? I don't have any new ideas that haven't already been shared. What I do have are some suggestions to help you discern what you could do this Lent: Be authentic. Don't compare yourself to what others are doing in their Lenten journey. If giving up one simple thing (sodas, chocolate, meat, etc.) is what works in your life and allows you to more deeply enter into this season, then do not judge yourself harshly because your friends are giving up something which seems to be more profound. Be true to yourself and your journey. Be deliberate. Whatever you decide to do then be deliberate in doing that. If it's reading your bible, then make sure that your Bible shows up in places you will find it. (In the car during carpool lines, next to your bed). Use reminders if needed. If praying more is part of what you have added to your Lent, then help yourself remember to do this at certain times and set a reminder on your phone. When it goes off, stop and pray. Be forgiving. I am looking at this from multiple facets. Not just forgiving of the wrongs and injustices that come our way, I am talking about some much needed mercy toward ourselves this Lent. If things don't go exactly the way you planned with your Lenten sacrifice or pledges, just remember, we are each only human. If that is the only thing you do this Lent that will be excelLENT! Be honest. Be honest with yourself and others. How profound could your Lent be if you were honest with yourself about what it is that God needs from you this Lent? Is He really asking you to give up chocolate or is he asking for something much more? Only you and He know the answer to that. Be present. There are lots of ways to do this with our families and friends. Set aside the phone or computer for a bit (but don't eliminate it - see what I mean by that here : It's Time for a New SOCIAL MEdia Pledge.) and spark up a family conversation or engage in a family activity. Mostly, just be present when God places you in positions which allow you to share your faith with another. Be present and witness the power of God at work in our lives every day. Approach each day knowing that your presence will be a testimony in the gospel according to you! Be joyful. Yes, be joyful this Lent. No gloomy faces allowed. It is your inner joy which will be the springboard that will propel you to excelLENT! And, of course, I wouldn’t be true to myself if I didn’t provide you with some new facebook covers for the season. Using the #excelLENT as my inspiration, you will find several new general Lenten covers . There will be new ones in the #excelLENT series for each week of Lent posted - so stay tuned!
What is the New SOCIAL MEdia Pledge? Find out more by clicking below!
Evangelizing the digital continent!
We each may be only one person, but together we are
all part of one body. What is Embedded Faith? Simply put, this is a "gralog" (graphics + blog) providing images and thoughts to evangelize the digital continent.
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February 2021