The LORD bless you and keep you!
The LORD let his face shine upon you, and be gracious to you! The LORD look upon you kindly and give you peace! Numbers 6:24-26
Just as I promised when I shared the Advent series of covers, I am now sharing a dozen new facebook covers to use for the Christmas season. I want to take this opportunity to wish you a most blessed and joyous Christmas. Never forget that God is with you and for you.
Peace, Cyndi To save images just right click and "save image as" or you can visit my creations on "Canva" ![]()
Pope Francis' recent tweet “Advent increases our hope, a hope which does not disappoint. The Lord never lets us down" is my inspiration for this month's First Friday with Francis image.
Most of us tend to think of hope as in "I hope something will happen." This is not what is meant in our Christian understanding of hope. Our Christian definition of hope is "confident expectation." Hope is a firm assurance regarding things that are unclear and unknown. There is a certainty in our future that comes through the power and gifts of the Holy Spirit, through Christ who lives in us and through the promise of the Resurrection. Hope is a powerful force. We are endowed with boldness our faith because of hope. Love springs from hope. Hope does not disappoint as the bible tells us (Romans 5:5). The advent message for all of us is to wait forGod in patient and steadfast hope... God will not disappoint. Enjoy! Share your faith and your hope this advent season. Cyndi |
Evangelizing the digital continent!
We each may be only one person, but together we are
all part of one body. What is Embedded Faith? Simply put, this is a "gralog" (graphics + blog) providing images and thoughts to evangelize the digital continent.
Click to find out more. FAQ How do I download an image? To download any image, just right click and choose "file save as". Can I use your image on my website or publication? Yes! All images are creative commons and are free to use. Credit or a link to this site is appreciated. Images may not be sold. Categories
February 2021