If you could sum up your story into the before God and after God... What would it be?
Well, that is what Cardboard Testimonies ultimately try to do. They are a highly visual, often moving, way of briefly sharing the story of God’s hand working in one's life. With a simple piece of cardboard and a marker, the testifier usually writes one or two phrases that explain what they experienced before God's intervention. On the reverse side of the cardboard, the testifier writes how God has changed that experience for the better. Cardboard Testimonies are not new. They are plentiful on YouTube if you do a search. However, in all of those versions, one thing was becoming very clear. There were not many done by my fellow Catholic churches. I only found one (other than youth groups) and that was from St. Isadore Catholic Church. When I watched their video, I was so moved and inspired. I knew we had to do this in my parish. With my excitement still fresh and this great example from another Catholic Church, I started running the idea by leaders from other parishes. They didn't seem to share my excitement. A bit crushing to me at first. But, I am one stubborn gal. And if there is one thing I know: with God all things are possible. Fortunately, for me, the right person in our parish did share my enthusiasm and she took on most of the work. (Thank you Denise!) So, if you too are excited and want to do this in your parish, let me be the first to encourage you and to say, "Go for it!" I see this as a wonderful response to the call of the new evangelization. Our simple and amateur version is a testament to the power of witnessing and sharing our faith. The sharing of words and phrases that you see are the transformations of everyday apostles. And when I watch them - they inspire me and make me smile on the inside. “Let us ask the Lord, for the grace to become baptized persons who are brave and sure that the Holy Spirit who is in us, received at baptism, always moves us to proclaim Jesus Christ with our life, our testimony and even with our words”.--Pope Francis Cyndi If you or your parish has made or does make your own cardboard testimonies - please share with me. I would love to see!
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Evangelizing the digital continent!
We each may be only one person, but together we are
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February 2021