Here are the final two images that complete the Holy Week Series created for 2016.
Yes, he is arisen! Easter changes everything. The darkness is gone. All creation is amazed. The day of new beginnings is here. Easter is more than a day, it is a season. Keep it alive in your hearts for we are an Easter people. Amen Cyndi
There are more Easter Covers and Images on this gralog, so feel free to explore and see which additional ones you might like to use this Easter Season. Just click the images below to be taken to those sets.
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These BONUS images are perfect for sharing in a many different social media posts like facebook post or Instagram. They would work great in a blog post as well. I pray you will find them useful. Blessed Easter.
Christ is Risen, Indeed he is Risen! Celebrate the Risen Christ and share the message of this Good News with this new set of Easter Facebook Covers/Images.
Easter is more than a day, it is a Season in the Catholic Church. The liturgical season of Easter lasts 50 days, starting with the first Sunday of Easter and ending with Pentecost. And even more than that, it is a way of life. We are called to live as Easter people all the time.
If you don't find one you like on this page - I have several from the previous year that you might like.
After the intensity of Lent and Holy Week, Easter for many people becomes just a one-day feast. But nothing could be further from the truth. Easter is more than just one day in the life of the church. Easter is a 50 day season in the life of the Church. It is a season of celebrating our new life in Christ and is the most joyous season of the Christian year. The Easter season begins at sunset on Easter Vigil and continues throughout the Day of Pentecost.
I found my inspiration for this next series of images from the Psalms of the Season of Easter (cycle A). This series of images which can be used as Facebook or Twitter Covers or can be used as general images to share on your other Social Media channels. Enjoy and Celebrate this Season joyfully and intentionally! Cyndi
Today I bring you the final installment for my Lenten series of Facebook Covers/Social Media Images, (Lenten Facebook Covers - Free to a Good Home and Even More Lenten Covers as well as some Holy Week and Easter images.
I pray that your Holy Week will be one that is transformative and meaningful. God Bless you on your journey. Cyndi (to download any image right click and "save as")
5th Sunday of Lent (A)
Palm Sunday
Holy Thursday
Good Friday
Bonus Social Media Image
Evangelizing the digital continent!
We each may be only one person, but together we are
all part of one body. What is Embedded Faith? Simply put, this is a "gralog" (graphics + blog) providing images and thoughts to evangelize the digital continent.
Click to find out more. FAQ How do I download an image? To download any image, just right click and choose "file save as". Can I use your image on my website or publication? Yes! All images are creative commons and are free to use. Credit or a link to this site is appreciated. Images may not be sold. Categories
February 2021