The third Sunday of Lent brings us to the possibility of two different sets of readings that we could hear in our parish, depending on whether of not we have any Catechumenate in the RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) in our parish and whether we are attending the Mass where the Scrutinies for the RCIA are celebrated. The third, fourth and fifth Sundays of Lent are when we participate in the Scrutinies. At the Masses where the Scrutinies are celebrated the Readings from Cycle A are always used. At the Masses outside of the Scrutinies or for a parish that does not have anyone in the RCIA, the readings for the regular church year, which is currently Cycle B, are used. But worry not, because I have you "covered" either way! For the Cycle B readings set of images, I have chosen a passage from the second reading. In the Cycle A readings we hear the transformative story of the Samaritan woman. All those in the RCIA who are celebrating the Scrutinies and the parishioner in the assembly are challenged to make a prayerful introspection, surrender, and conversion with the Samaritan woman. For it is together at the well we realize our thirst for the Lord, who comes to provide us life giving water.
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February 2021